These are just a few of the children who learn at the Akpe Cultural Center...
Anthonia is 6 years old. She loves coming to Akpe to eat and to learn new dances with her friends.
Delali is 4 years old and loves to be told stories. She also enjoys playing with her new friends and the staff at the Akpe Cultural Center. She says that she really enjoys the lunches, too!
Alex is 5 years old and loves to play the drums and dance. He has been coming to the center for a few months now and has captured everyone’s heart.
Elizabeth is 8 years old. Prior to coming to the Akpe Cultural Center, Elizabeth had never learned the local dances. Since she’s been coming to Akpe, Elizabeth has worked hard to learn new dances with her friends.
Bernica is 8 years old. Everyone loves to hear her sing out with such joy. She is a bright member of the Akpe Cultural Center community!